Shiva Temple in Estonia

A place of peace where silence touches the soul


It is easy to find peace and quiet here and you may catch something that can change your life.

Sometimes we are looking for something special to happen in our life. But we do not realize that what surrounds us is already very special.

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Here is the place for learning something about yourself that you could not have imagined.

Aale-Triinu Sonn

"Lilleoru holds that deep teaching about being human and our real potential that has carried through all eras.”

Maris and Kadri Kerge

"This place is like a versatile laboratory where you can immediately test in practice what you have learned by words.”

Heidi Grenman

“Lilleoru is the home of goodness. Over 180 people regularly take care of this place, so that goodness would not have a reason to move away.”


All beauty and care that you encounter here is the result of voluntary cooperation of a large number of people.

Thank you for your interest! Your support will help us create and keep this place open to all who thirst for deeper humanity, harmony and perfection.