Join us for the celebration of Guru Purnima at Lilleoru! This special day is dedicated to the universal principle of the teacher. Guru Purnima is a traditional day to honor and express gratitude to the guru tattva – the natural force that is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. According to the teachings of Guru Gita, the guru helps students understand the deep meaning of life and guides them on their spiritual path, helping them overcome ignorance and achieve enlightenment. The principle of the teacher is universal, connecting us to infinite wisdom and spiritual guidance.
Participation is by donation.
Donations can be made on-site or transferred to:
Lilleoru MTÜ / EE202200221053475791 / Guru Purnima Donation
You are invited to celebrate Guru Purnima and be part of this special day filled with dedication, wisdom, and blessings!