Ingvar Villido Ishwarananda: “Who or what are Shiva and Shakti?”

“Shiva and Shakti symbolize the foundations of all life – consciousness and energy. Shiva represents our unlimited consciousness, while Shakti is the primordial energy from which all other energies emerge. The Siddhas, the ancient yogis, have said that the search for God leads us to the true self, the Atman. The path to God is also the process of getting to know oneself and understanding how to communicate with the world. Acquiring the wisdom of Shiva, the universal teacher, depends on the energy available to us, the Shakti.” 

On June 10, 2024, a Shiva temple was inaugurated in Lilleoru. The significance of the Shiva temple is not only symbolic, but it also conveys a certain state of consciousness – that of our true nature.  

In the June “Path of Wisdom” lecture we ventured to the beginning of beginnings and look at phenomena that lie behind all creation. How all this relates to Lilleoru as a sacred place and the spiritual tradition here was explored in the 40th lecture of the “Path of Wisdom” series.

Ingvar has walked the path of Siddha Yoga for over 30 years. In the “Path of Wisdom” lecture series, he shares in his own simple and practical way the deeper knowledge he has discovered on this journey. Ingvar has a special talent for making practical connections between spiritual and everyday knowledge. 

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